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Can somebody translate the words
where only you can take me into greek please
7 years ago

Greek Question asked by Michelle

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2 Answers

Where - only - you - can - take - me:

όπου - μόνο - εσύ - μπορείς - να με πάρεις (take me in this case describes a verb that affects an object "me" so it`s a bit different than just translating the word "take").
Answered by [Deleted Member]
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WHERE= π;;ο;;ύ;; ή;; ό;;π;;ο;;υ;;
only= μ;;ό;;ν;;ο;;
you= ε;;σ;;ύ;;
can= μ;;π;;ο;;ρ;;ώ;;
take= π;;α;;ί;;ρ;;ν;;ω;;
me= μ;;ε;; ή;; ε;;μ;;έ;;ν;;α;;
Answered by [Deleted Member]
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