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Tutor Hunt Questions


My daughter is about to start private tutoring (Home-schooling) after half term for the remainder of her year 10 and next years year 11. She has completed half of her art GCSE portfolio (coursework) and I think her current school will moderate that for her.
Our problem is trying to ascertain if only her school can moderate or is there another way we can get her 2nd project also moderated, which she`ll complete with an external art tutor?
Any help/advice gratefully received!

8 years ago

Art Question asked by Lynne

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3 Answers


Usually exam boards prefer educational institutes to be responsible for work carried out as it has to be in line with exam regulations. Thus meaning the work would have to be moderated by the school. Nevertheless, if you contact the exam board they will inform you of any allowances they may have for children whom are home schooled.
Hope this helps.
Answered by [Deleted Member]
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hi Lynne,

If you contact the exam board, they should be able to provide you with the relevant information needed. Do it early as you have to submit all this information way before the work is officially marked.

Kind regards

Answered by [Deleted Member]
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If I were you I would contact the exams office at the school (although if she is leaving the school they may not be able to help) or the exam board she is taking the GCSE with? The exam board should be able to give you advice. Good luck!
Answered by [Deleted Member]
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