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Here you can browse our Broughshane Tutors, we have ordered our results by tutors in Broughshane closest to the town centre first. To view any tutor profile, you can click on the 'display profile' link. To make contact with any of Tutor Hunt members you must register an account with us. If you are seeking private tuition from other locations, please use our search box above. Start searching for your perfect Broughshane tutor today!
Half hour lessons are recommended for initial lessons. Lessons are only available up to foundation gcse for maths and chemistry. Due to the requirements of the terms...
Ballymena, Ireland (4.7 miles from centre)
I really enjoy tutoring as I find it so rewarding to watch my students` confidence and understanding of their chosen subject grow over time. I have been tutoring Biolo...
Belfast, Ireland (6.2 miles from centre)
Don`t take my word for it, check out the comments in my feedback session. I have hundreds of hours of formal tutoring experience on this very site. I have extensive te...
Ballymena, Ireland (6.9 miles from centre)
Feedback for our tutors in Broughshane from previous students
"Jason is a very good tutor, at the beginning we had him as my son`s science tutor but he covered other subjects as well. My son said Jason explains everything very clearly and very patient. Really happy with our choice!"
 Feedback for Jason
"My daughter enjoyed her lessons with Eva. She now has much more confidence in Chemistry and Biology thanks to Eva`s tutorial`s."
 Feedback for Eva
"Brilliant, great at explainining things in a way that`s easily understood"
 Feedback for Rachel
"Simon has been tutoring my 14 year old son maths and has helped him grasp many topics without making him feel uncomfortable about his abilities. They have quickly built up a good rapport and my son actually looks forward to his next lesson."
 Feedback for Helen
"I met Valentina in the learning center at Rutgers University. She was tutoring someone in creating writing, and I was in desperate need of a math tutor but no other math tutor was available. Although Valentina was scheduled to tutor only English that day, she volunteered to do an extra shift and helped me prep for my up -coming trigonometric exam. Since then she had helped me a lot with my math homework. Thanks to her I improved a lot in terms of grade. She is very dedicated to her students. It is so obvious what an immense passion she has for teaching. I would recommend her anytime to anyone for tutoring."
 Feedback for Linda
"Alesa was an excellent tutor, providing a well-thought out and structured programme. She has a very professional manner and went out of her way to fit into my busy work schedule, travelling to my offices in the city for lessons.
 Feedback for Ima