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Biology Resources (page 18)



How can we work out the relationships between animal phyla? Why might we care?

The categorisation of all living matter is organised into the tree of life; this describes the pathway of evolution and how animals are related to each-other. The Kingdom Metazoa (ani...

Pleiotropic effects of HLA-DQ mutation in predisposition to T1 diabetes mellitus and celiac disease

Human leukocyte antigen (HLA) is a region on chromosome 6. There are 224 identified gene loci (of which 128 are protein coding) meaning that HLA has the highest gene density of any ge...

Biotechnological function of Vespa Orientalis wasp cuticle

Biological/biotechnological function: The cuticle acts as a biological solar cell, converting light energy to electrical energy. Under experimental conditions, voltages of several ...

Why a dogs bite is worse than its bark...?

Every year 55,000 people worldwide die from the rabies virus. Rabies is an enzootic virus, prevalent in certain animal populations mainly within Asia and Africa. However, it is also a...

Degree students: Essay and dissertations

The key to getting a good grade is preparation. Some of the key steps are: 1. Get your mark scheme / guidance and read it thoroughly. Do you know what you are supposed to be doing?...

From healing by secondary Intent to accelerated regenerative Healing.

Despite numerous advanced woundcare solutions, the reality for patients with chronic wounds is the challenge of protracted treatment, with management of underlying primary pathology, ...

40 days.....

With the GCSE exams a little less than 40 days away, a sense of panic may be settling in. Having gone through this process before; I know the feeling all too well. However, I propos...

Is gonorrhoea becoming untreatable?

An estimated 498 million new cases of curable sexually transmitted infections occur worldwide annually. Of these, 106 million are gonococcal infections,rendering gonorrhea the second...

Human cloning.

Will Human Cloning be around in 2030? Should humans be cloned? That is the question that many people all over the world have been debating for a long time now even though Scien...


"Xenotransplantation is the answer to the donor organ shortage in this country" Xenotransplantation is the transplantation of animal organs, cells or tissue into a living human. Th...
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