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Biology Resources (page 13)




The Main Ideas1. Cells need energy in the form of ATP so they can carry out essential jobs.2. Cells make their own ATP and plant cells can make it during photosynthesis as well as res...

The responce of calcium ions to abscisic acid in relation to guard cell closure

"A discussion of the role of Ca2+ in the response of stomatal guard cells to ABA'lt;/p> Abscisic acid (ABA) induced calcium ion (Ca2+) flux is responcible for the decrease in turgor ...
Joey (hannah Jane)

Is there a cost to larval begging in the burying beetle Nicrophorus vespilloides?

Offspring of many animals signal their nutritional needs using conspicuous begging displays. Theoretical models for the evolution of begging suggest that costly begging signals provid...


During the daytime, plants convert the Sun's energy into sugars using photosynthesis, a complex, multi-stage biochemical process. New work from a team including Carnegie's Mark H...

Island evolution

INTRODUCTION How precious is hindsight? As the first human explorers left the confines of the continents and their homelands they had no inkling of the biological treasure houses...

Investigating the role of Vitamin D3 on genomic instability in MCF-7 human breast cancer cells

Abstract: Vitamin D is demonstrated significant impact in modifying cellular and genomic functions in many diseases including cancers. Previous investigations supported genomic ins...

The Negative Side of Whale Watching

IntroductionIn recent decades, there has been a dramatic shift in the way in which people relate to the larger marine mammal species (Williams et al, 2002:255). In 1993, the Internati...


I have been looking through more of my old articles for DinoLore, the website I had before this blog, but which I decided to shut down. Some of them were pretty nice though, and, ...

Taxonomy rules – naming and grouping animals scientifically

I was quite surprised to hear when many of our teachers and tutors gave feedback regarding the rules of taxonomic nomenclature (i.e. how to write the names of animal goups) apparen...

Dinosaur Warmbloodedness: The meaning of "warm-blooded"

Being warm-blooded has nothing to do with the temperature of the blood. It is a possibly misleading colloquial name for a certain physiological condition. What it means cannot ...
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