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From Real to hyper complex numbers

Clifford Lie Algebra of Hyper Complex Numbers The group of transformation matrices from which a "spinor" is realised is related to a set of "Hyper-complex" numbers discovered by H...

Symmetries and Group Invariants

Spinor Fermions & Vector Gauge Bosons of Field Theories The notion of the chirality of a particle is both clarified by studying all the (Group of) possible transformations that do no...

The Science of Laziness

It can feel good lounging around and doing nothing... sometimes too good! Whether it is to avoid work or escape a physical activity, we`ve all had those days. But why are some people ...

Why do the UK and US Federal agencies need more Russian-language specialists?

1. The US Government needs more Russian-language specialists: Federal agencies have identified Russian as a priority language of national need. Among the agencies that seek ...

Yes, You Can Learn English!

How many people have begun to study a language, found it "too difficult" and given up? Perhaps you decided you were "not clever enough or "no good at languages" and left it at that. ...

How to Structure Essay Questions in A Level Religious Studies Essay

How to Structure Essay Questions in A Level Religious Studies Essays The Formula in a Nutshell: 1) Introduction: explain what the topic is; explain why it is relevant; explain ...

The Fallibility of Mathematics

The Fallibility of Mathematics ADAM JASKO When I was young, and indeed to this day, I loved experimenting to discover interesting results or perhaps to verify results already kn...

Art Makes the World a Better Place

The palatial `Grand Hall` of Scarborough Spa - hijacked by a riot of colourful banners, signs and bunting - seemed the perfect context for The Art Party Conference`s "antidote to all ...

Grammar is key

Grammar. It is a necessary evil. Many students underestimate the necessity of grammar. For example, I am currently teaching a student, and her first language is Italian. Wanting to le...

In out and shake it all about!

Many students cram their learning into the last few days before the exam and then wonder why they (a) feel exhausted and disorientated and (b) don`t do that well! Learning is a proce...