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Rave Culture: Individual and collective identity theories

Introduction. Within studies of youth culture, rave is a subculture that is almost always guaranteed to form part of the discussion. With a timeline that stretches from the 1960s u...

Rave Culture: Individual and collective identity theories

Chapter One. In this first chapter we will be covering a broader understanding of identity, moving temporarily away from the topic of musical identity by focusing on social psychol...

Why Learn Languages?

One of the hardest parts of being a language teacher is when your students come to your lessons with a preconceived attitude that learning languages are pointless. "Everyone else spea...

The importance of having a growth mindset in education

Your mindset is how you look at the world, how you think, how you take on challenges, what you believe to be possible and what you believe isn`t. What if I told you changing your mind...

How is dyslexia defined?

There exists a range of definitions for dyslexia spanning the last century. This review focuses on those definitions from four influential organisations: The British Psychological Soc...

Calculators - A Help or Hindrance?

Teaching mathematics, particularly to teenagers, I often meet students who have a dependence on calculators. Whilst calculators have their place in everyday life, I am of the belief t...

a*-c rate Maths and English

Across all GCSE subjects in 2015 nearly seven out of 10 entrants (68.8%) in England and Wales were awarded grades between A* and C, which meant the rate was slightly up (by 0.2 pe...

What is the relationship between early medieval coins, their preservation and society?

'Change in the availability and the use of money is . one of the keys to explaining the changing fabric of rural society, as well as of urban society, in the Middle Ages.' From the f...

Accounting Softwares, Types and Risks

Accounting software packages now plays a key role in some small and most medium and larger size businesses resulting in a mainstream move from manual accounting records and excel to m...

The Equals sign

The `=` sign is surely one of the most commonly used symbols in the field of mathematics and other sciences. Its basic meaning isn`t difficult to grasp but is sometimes easily overloo...