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Fractions, decimals and percentages

FRACTIONS, DECIMALS AND PERCENTAGES(See also the notes on recurring decimals, which can be a bit trickier.)We often use fractions, decimals and percentages interchangeably. We might s...

Wise Children by Angela Carter

Stumbling across a well-thumbed copy of Angela Carter’s 1991 novel, Wise Children, in a secondhand bookshop, I was heartened – and a little saddened – to notice that I was not a...


RATIOSRatios are very similar to fractions. We will illustrate the approach using an example.ExampleAli, Ben and Colin are aged 10, 12 and 16 years. They share £96.90 in the rat...


FRACTIONSFractions are numbers of the sort a/b (a divided by b) where a and b are whole numbers and a is less than b.You need to be careful how you manipulate fractions. Adding and su...

History and the Physics of the early universe in a Nutshell

Where did we come from? How did the universe begin? Are we alone in the universe? These are the questions that human beings have asked ever since they first looked up at the heaven...

Auditions and Interviews

I have sat in on auditions at one of the biggest drama schools in the world. It is joyful and exciting to watch the candidates come through and give you their best work.One recurring ...

What is dance and what is not dance

Dance, as defined by the Oxford Dictionary, is "to move rhythmically to music, typically following a set sequence of steps". This means if I open and close my mouth, that is dance. If...

Impact of British Rule on Indian Arts

Classical Dance: Historically in Indian states, classical dances were those dances that were performed either in the temples according to religious rituals or in royal courts accompan...

Can the classical be contemporary ?

Let me start with the definition of classical, which says "representing an exemplary standard within a traditional and long-established form or style". The words `traditional` and `lo...

Know Your Instrument (And Tutors Do Your Job)

I met a new student last night, and as I do with all new students, the focus of our session was for me to discover what their understanding of guitar was. Along the way, a very famili...