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Assess the relative importance of factors likely to lead to success for Pressure Groups in Washington

Pressure groups aim to affect government policy using various methods such as lobbying and organising grass root movements. The separation of powers in the Constitution means there ar...

The ideological differences between the Democratic and Republican parties are far greater than the differences within them- Discuss

The Democratic and Republican Parties are the two major political parties in the United States and they represent the more liberal and more conservative parts of the electorate respec...

Don`t worry about your English GCSEs - make notes instead!

This is the time of year when we all start worrying about the looming English exams. As a GCSE examiner, all I can say is: start early! This is particularly true of both GCSE and A ...

English Literature `A-Level` A* C/W

Double standards between men and women are portrayed through the three texts in a perhaps surprisingly similar fashion despite the near four hundred year difference in publishing date...

Doping in sport

INTRODUCTIONOne of the very frequently used quotes among sports commentators, journalists, and even professional athletes themselves says that ``No one remembers who came in second.``...

Should we fear the fall in the value of the £?

Since Britain voted for Brexit in June 2016, we have seen a significant decline in the value of the UK currency. Economic theory suggest that this will benefit the country, as impor...

Theory of Consciousness - S. Dehaene, L. Naccache

IINTRODUCTIONThe subject of this seminar work is the theory of global workspace (Eng. Global Workspace Theory, hereinafter GWT) has developed the first Bernard J. Baars (1988). ...

‘So he continued to think of himself as a man as his mother had taught him’ (Watt, p. 69)

Modernist texts engage with the construction of gender by challenging and highlighting the stereotypical Victorian set up of female and male personalities and relationships. Within li...

qNano - A robust and intuitive instrument capable of modernising the high school science laboratory.

IntroductionHigh school students and even students in college, rarely, if at all, encounter situations where they have access to the tools used at the cutting edge of research. As res...
Benjamin M

Critical Reading

Critical Reading:What is critical reading?We started our examination of critical reading in session 2 of the manual and supported this with the second on-line tutorial. In this sessio...