Tutor HuntResources Spanish Resources


Saying Goodbye in Spanish

Date : 17/07/2014

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Uploaded by : Marta
Uploaded on : 17/07/2014
Subject : Spanish

As in any other language, there are many ways to say goodbye in Spanish. Some expressions are best used in formal situations while others are more informal (casual) in tone. Below are some common phrases.

¡Adiós! - Goodbye.

Hasta mañana. - See you tomorrow.

Hasta luego. - See you later.

Hasta pronto. - See you soon.

Nos vemos. - See you later.

More examples of saying goodbye in Spanish.

Hasta la próxima - until next time

Hasta el martes - see you on Tuesday

Hasta ahora - see you in a minute

In Hispanic countries it is very common for people to greet and say goodbye with a kiss. In Latin America one kiss is given. In Spain two kisses is the custom, one on each cheek. Sometimes foreigners are surprised when a Hispanic person greets them with a kiss when they`ve just recently met.

This resource was uploaded by: Marta

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