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Greetings in Spanish for Begginers

Date : 17/07/2014

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Uploaded by : Marta
Uploaded on : 17/07/2014
Subject : Spanish

Hola - Hello, hi - This greeting is suitable in both formal and informal contexts.

Adiós - Goodbye - An informal alternative

Hola, aló, diga - Hello (on the telephone) - The choice of telephone greeting varies from location to location. Hola would be understood anywhere but is not customary in many

¿Cómo estás? ¿Cómo está? - How are you? - The first form (which is informal) normally would be used with someone you know on a first-name basis or when speaking with a child. The second form generally would be used in other situations. Usage can depend quite a bit on where you are; in some areas, the informal form (estás) would be expected where under the same circumstances the formal form would be used in other areas. If you`re a foreigner, chances are no one will criticize you for using the wrong form, although you may be politely corrected.

Muy bien, gracias - Very well, thank you.

Buenos días - Good day, good morning - In some areas, a shortened form, buen día, is used.

Buenas tardes - Good afternoon, good evening - In most areas, buenas tardes should be used in the early evening in preference to buenas noches.

Buenas noches - Good night - Later evening

¿Cómo te va? ¿Cómo le va? ¿Qué tal? ¿Qué hay? - How`s it going? What`s happening? - There is also a variety of colloquial alternatives, although many of them depend on the area.

¿Qué pasa? - What`s happening?

¿Cómo te llamas? ¿Cómo se llama usted? - What`s your name? - A literal translation would be "What do you call yourself?" or, somewhat less literally, "What are you called?" The first form normally would be used with a child, or possibly with someone of equal social status at an informal occasion. If you`re uncertain which form to use, the second one is safer. Also see the explanation with the entry for "¿Cómo estás?" above.

Me llamo (nombre).- My name is (name). - A literal translation would be "I call myself (name)" or, somewhat less literally, "I am called (name)." You can also literally translate the English: Mi nombre es (nombre).

Mucho gusto. Encantado. - It`s a pleasure to meet you. - Either of these could be said upon meeting someone. If you`re female, you should say encantada instead of encantado. These literally mean "much pleasure" and "delighted," respectively, so they would have different meanings in other contexts.

Bienvenido, bienvenida, bienvenidos, bienvenidas - Welcome - Note the difference in number and gender. Bienvenido would be used with a man, bienvenida with a woman, bienvenidas with a group of all females, and bienvenidos with males or a mixed group.

This resource was uploaded by: Marta

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