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Animal Rights

Date : 17/07/2014

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Uploaded by : Jade
Uploaded on : 17/07/2014
Subject : Sociology

People and animals have been living together in unity for millions of years. As mankind got more advanced, we started using animals to do some of the work for us. Now however, animal rights are becoming a great issue in our society. In this essay, I am going to explore these two aspects of human and animal interactions. First of all, it is my opinion that using animals to ease our work-load is not objectionable as long as animals are not hurt in the process. A good example of this is utilizing a horses' might and power for plowing fields. After the work is done however, the animal is fed and has a warm and dry place to rest and recover. Another example is using animals for our entertainment in ZOOs. On the other hand, animals there have enough food and have medical care on hand in case of emergencies. It is also a good place to keep a few examples of endangered species of animals so their numbers can increase in captivity and are then released into the wild. Keeping an animal as a pet is also mutually beneficial. Humans get emotional satisfaction while an animal gets taken care of. Furthermore, animal research is important for development of human medicine. Small animals are being hurt in the process but it is done for the good of mankind. Nevertheless, animals should be treated in the same way as humans - with respect. Animals, as human beings, feel pain and suffer when they are being hurt or deprived of food. No animal in captivity should be left to starve or be treated with hostility. Another reason for equal treatment is social behavior. Animals form flocks, packs and other various forms of social groups and hierarchy. They care for their young and protect the weak. It is only fitting that they have the same rights as we do. All that being said, my opinion that animals and humans alike should have the same right not to suffer stands strong. Mutual good does come from cooperation and we, as a superior race, should make sure it stays that way.

This resource was uploaded by: Jade

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