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Introduction To The Science Of Islamic Logic

The article provides a short description to the science of classical Islamic logic

Date : 10/11/2011

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Uploaded by : Saad
Uploaded on : 10/11/2011
Subject : Philosophy


The word Al-Mantiq (Logic) is derived from na-ta-qa which means to speak. For example "a naataqa huwa" i.e. "has he spoken?".

Definition Logic is that science which prevents a person from making a mistake when he is defining a thing or when he is using it as an evidence (Gangohi).


The purpose of logic is to correct one`s thinking and contemplating (Gangohi).

Subject Matter

Such definitions and evidences are studied from which the knowledge of unknown apprehensions (i.e. concepts) and unknown affirmations (i.e. realities) is attained (Gangohi).

Primary Role of Logic

Its primary role is to "(1) clarify concepts through definition and (2) clarify the process of passing judgments on these concepts after they have been clearly defined" (Amr, 2007).

Its Origin

The science in reality is as prehistoric as the human mind. However, Greeks like Socrates, Plato and Aristotle were the ones that played a pivotal role in its development.

In the ninth century the `Abbaasid Caliph Al-Ma`mun initiated the translation movement which led to discovering philosophical texts of the Ancient Greeks. It was at this time the Islamic world studied the science thoroughly, critically and even wrote commentaries (Leipzig, 1855).

The discovery of Greek texts however, did have a negative effective on the religion as it led to the inception of the rationalist movement that held heretic views. Thus the scholars of Islam developed the science of Al-`Aqeedah i.e. Creed. Today, the logic we find in the Madaaris, is that which has been sifted and made orthodox by our scholars.

This resource was uploaded by: Saad