Tutor HuntResources Russian Resources

How To Enhance Your Vocabulary Through Reading

How to Enhance your Vocabulary Through Reading

Date : 03/09/2015

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Uploaded by : Olga
Uploaded on : 03/09/2015
Subject : Russian

Remember! It's more difficult to progress in a foreign language if you don't practice it every day! Studies suggest that ideally you must practice speaking, listening, reading or writing AT LEAST 5 hours a day if you want to feel the real change! It sounds like a lot of work, but it doesn't have to be. You can listen to Russian songs or audio books in the car (quite pleasant!), read easy-readers at home (choose the right level), chat with native speakers (remember to speak a lot!) or participate in on-line forums (it's fun). Leave grammar for lessons.

Here are Top Tips on how to enhance vocabulary in Russian through reading:

1. Search for simple classics. They are available at Waterstones, or you can search easy-readers on-line. E.g.https://www.eurobooks.co.uk/languagebooks/series/RUS/m4/c21/6/ERRU

Look for classics that are simple and straightforward and do not contain numerous idiomatic expressions. Find a novel that you have already read in English. www.lib.ru

2. Try to find modern foreign language translations for these books. A novel written in 1935 and translated in 2005 will utilize contemporary grammar, spelling, and idioms.

3. Avoid the temptation to consult the dictionary as you read. Keep a mini-dictionary at hand, but use it only for occasional words that you must comprehend to decipher the meaning of a sentence.

4. Do NOT analyze every single word. You will usually get the gist of a passage even if you only understand 75% of the vocabulary.

5. Stick with the same author and translator where practical. Each person will have a basic vocabulary with favourite words that he or she tends to use. Repetition is the key to learning any foreign language.

6. Try to find books with accompanying audio. Unfortunately, it is not easy to locate a book and audio-CD with exactly the same translation. If you do find one, remember the name of the company for future reference.

7. Keep your book with you wherever you go. You can squeeze in a few minutes of reading at the bus stop, standing in a queue at the bank, waiting for the kettle to boil, etc. Those 5 hours a day will soon add up!

8. Try to Enjoy If you want to learn a language with accurate concepts, you need to enjoy it to the fullest. It will allow you to gain the inner pleasure and understanding of the language in best manners.

This resource was uploaded by: Olga