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Why You Will Learn Computer Programming..?

This article illustrates the basic motives to learn computer programming

Date : 24/02/2015

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Uploaded by : Faruk
Uploaded on : 24/02/2015
Subject : Programming

Steve Jobs, Apple's co-founder said, "I think everybody in this country should learn how to program a computer because it teaches you how to think."

Now a days a organization or a personal without a computer can not be imagined. Computer has made our life so easy and simple by doing complex task to easily and fast.

Computer is a dumb machine until you teach or interact with it in such a way so that it can understand what you want it to do. And the only way to guide a computer to do your task is to program it according to your necessity.

You can enjoy doing programming if you really love it. I think it is more enjoyable than other games to program a computer to do your own task.

Every sector in this modern ear require a programming skill to do better in your respective field. Computer programming not only guide you to interact smartly with the computer but also it increases your power of thing complex matter in a easy and simple way. It helps people to discover and explore newer things.

So learn programming and explore a new world for yourself.

This resource was uploaded by: Faruk