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Tips For Preparing IELTS Exam

Date : 20/11/2014

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Uploaded by : Vani
Uploaded on : 20/11/2014
Subject : IELTS

Most of us who give the IELTS Academic or General exam struggle with either Reading or Speaking Section. What we need to pay attention is that if we improve our reading skills that would automatically enhance our writing skills and in the same way our listening skills are improved by our speaking skills.

It is important to set aside certain time daily to practice these skills, especially for those learners who are non native speakers of English.

IELTS exam is also time bound , so one of the essential tips is to practice by time.

It is very easy to put off things till last minute, or feel embarrassed to practice speaking with friends or family, especially if you are an adult learner, but remember that is the key to success.

IELTS is not all about English, it is about communication.

It also tests our ability to receive, understand, analyze , interpret and communicate information, using English as a medium.

So the examiners are not worried about our content of what we speak or what we write , it is rather how we do it.

Skim reading the Passage is an essential skill for top score in Reading.

Getting a good score in writing is to know the structure of the essay we need to write and sign post our information to impress the examiner.

Learn to pause. Yes you did read right, most of us while speaking do not pause , it is a simple thing yet we ignore it. Pausing while speaking at a right moment allows us to see if the listener is getting our information and shows the examiner that we also care whether they understand us.

Dates, time and feelings are quite important in listening tasks. Learn to pay special attention to them while listening to the information in Listening test.

This resource was uploaded by: Vani