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My dissertation is 4000 words roughly
How many words should each section be? Intro-, Lit review, methods (incl statistical analysis, results and conclusion
8 years ago

Science Question asked by Lavinia

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Accepted Answer

The abstract will be no more than 150 words and should not be included in the word count. The intro will be between 200-400 words and should be a concise overview of the immediate theory and a brief outline of what to expect in the rest of the dissertation.

For a theoretical diss the lit review could be comfortably over 1000 words. Make sure you give a full theoretical overview of all the science included in the diss, if at any point someone is reading the diss and needs to understand something, they will look to the lit review. The lit review for an experimental diss will still be large but usually the depth of the theory is less, approx. 600 words.

The method again will depend on how theoretical/experimental the diss is. Method for an experimental diss will include all the apparatus and how they were used including diagrams. Theoretical methods normally discuss any programs used for data processing etc, 3-500 words.

The R&D section should still be the largest section of any diss. The lack of word count in the theory for experimental dissertations will be made up in the R&D here. Aim for 2000+ words.

The conclusion in essence is a summary of your R&D and usually looks a lot like your abstract, it should also include the further development or what`s next section, 300 words.
Answered by Luke | 8 years ago
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Thank you very much for the detailed explanation.
02/12/2015 23:15:31 | comment by Lavinia
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Intro- 300-500,
Lit review 700-1000,
methods 2000-2500
Answered by [Deleted Member]
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If the 400 words is for the whole dissertation, then i suppose your intro should be around 500, lit review 1500, methods n analysis 1800, and 200 for conclusion. That`s pretty as much as you can fit in.
Hope this helps?
Answered by [Deleted Member]
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