Tutor HuntResources Maths Resources

How To Revise Maths

Free ideas to revise maths

Date : 14/01/2024

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Uploaded by : Vijay
Uploaded on : 14/01/2024
Subject : Maths

There are 2 things that need to be done to prepare for a Maths Exam

1- Learn the facts and formulas (some may be given)

- Make flash cards- get someone to test you

- Mind maps - groups topics together such as angle rules. Making your own is much better than buying any flash cards but CGP and corbett maths do sell there (others may have their versions)

2. Practise lots of questions as there can be lots of variations to a question that may catch you out

Use free websites like Mathsgenie, they group topics by grade have written and video solutions. There is also a section for past papers with written and video solutions

corbett maths is also a great website with plenty of practise materials with videos to help you

Onmaths - This allows you to do past paper style exams and grades your effort as you go along

Do plenty of past papers - you will know the examiner inside out and will be well prepared for the exam. Remember, this is a subject that tests problem solving and thinking more than any subject, so DO NOT be phased with a challenge. Remember, you do not need to get 100%!!

This resource was uploaded by: Vijay