Tutor HuntResources Chemistry Resources

Balancing Chemical Equations

A balanced equation is like a recipe when baking a cake

Date : 15/12/2023

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Uploaded by : Roy
Uploaded on : 15/12/2023
Subject : Chemistry

When you are baking a cake how do you know how much of each ingredient to use.

A balanced chemical equation tells you how much of each reactant that needs to be used to get desired product/ product.

On each side of the equation you will need to have the same number of each type of atom on both sides of the equation.

To balance the equation you will need to ensure that the formula for each reactant and product are correct.

This is followed by inserting a who number in front of the formula to ensure that equal numbers of each type of atom are on both sides of the equation.

Generally 2, 3,4 usually solve the unbalanced equation but this is not always the case for the more challenging equations. Adding 1 infront of the formula not recommended as this will not make a difference. Think of 1X and X being the same.

This resource was uploaded by: Roy