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10 Top Economics Keywords

10 Top Economics Keywords

Date : 22/04/2023

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Uploaded by : Sajan
Uploaded on : 22/04/2023
Subject : Economics

(1) Monetary Policy = Control level of money in the economy by changing the Interest Rate.

(2) Fiscal Policy = Control of Government Revenue and Expenditure.

(3) Economics Growth = An increase in the output of goods and services by a country.

(4) Inflation = A general increase in prices and decrease in purchasing power of money.

(5) Macroeconomics = Economics focused at the country-level of the economy e.g. general economic factors, interest rates, productivity.

(6) Microeconomics = Economics focused at the company-level of the economy e.g. investing, mergers and acquisitions.

(7) Cryptocurrency = Currency based on cryptography. Digital currency with verified transactions in a decentralized system.

(8) GDP = Gross Domestic Product. The monetary value of goods and services, produced in a country in a given period of time.

(9) Bear Market = Stock prices are rising.

(10) Bull Market = Stock prices are decreasing.

This resource was uploaded by: Sajan