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What Is 5c`s Analysis?

An overview of 5C`s Analysis

Date : 20/07/2021

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Uploaded by : Kienan
Uploaded on : 20/07/2021
Subject : Business Studies

Similar to the SWOT analysis, 5C analysis helps a business identify the internal and external factors that present either an opportunity or a threat. PESTLE factors are also covered in the 5C s.

Company (Internal)

Strengths and Weaknesses

Goals and Objectives

Culture organisational structure affects culture, culture/ethos of teamwork, flexible working cultures, rigid cultures where everyone has to clock in, and clock out/have set tasks (staff are not given any empowerment).

Resources, including technology, experience and skills What resources are in the company? What might they need (depending on what they are doing)?

Customers (External)

Market size, segments What is the size of your market? Who is in your market? How can markets be segmented (e.g. demographic segmentation, income segmentation, behavioural segmentation)? looking at different parts of the market you are able to attract.

Purchasing habits, trends and buying process how does your market purchase? (online, in-stores), How frequently does your market purchase?

Overall customer satisfaction

Perceived value by customers

Competitors (External)

Current and prospective are you likely to have new competitors come into the market? If you are a big brand, have you got any small competitors that could become bigger soon (how would that impact you)?

Strengths and weaknesses what do they do well/not do well? Is there an opportunity for you to gain market share?, Is there anything you can take advantage of (poorer reputation, lack of profit)?

Opportunities and threats

Products and market share Who is gaining market share (are you gaining it or losing it)?

Collaborators (External)



Alliances and Partners

The people you are working with How is what they re doing impacting your organisation? Are they going to put your reputation at risk?

Climate (External)

Regulations and government oversight

Social and cultural

Business cycle, inflation and other economic factors



This resource was uploaded by: Kienan