Tutor HuntResources Psychology Resources

Classroom Psychology

Date : 21/06/2021

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Uploaded by : Qammaraman
Uploaded on : 21/06/2021
Subject : Psychology

"The most difficult thing in life is to know yourself" (Thales)

I would not claim to be better than everyone and is useless to say. I would only say that a teacher should own his pupils. He should explain the Topic/Question impressively, and keep telling them to bear a good character and exhibit a gentle behaviour.
For teaching methodology I would say only two words:"UNDERSTANDING and ANALYSIS'
Here the word "understanding" represents multiple dimensions. These dimensions would be disclosed to my students who would have the urge to know. The next word "analysis" is also multi-dimensional but two most important aspects are following:1. When a student is asked to explain/ solve something, either verbally or in tests, it gives you the complete picture, what the student has learnt. 2. When the teacher reponds to the student`s answer/solution, it tells the mental approach of the very teacher so that one can analyse the teacher too.

This resource was uploaded by: Qammaraman