Tutor HuntResources Arabic Resources

How To Use The Language You Learn?, E.g. Arabic!

Practical Arabic

Date : 20/12/2020

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Uploaded by : Ameen
Uploaded on : 20/12/2020
Subject : Arabic

The best way to use the language you learn is to simply use it!You do not necessarily need to understand everything really. I do not speak Russian and the only word I know Spasibo = thanks . Anyway, a friend and I were the only two who did not speak Russian among 12 guests. While we were waiting for the food, I was observing body language while listening to a language I did not understand. One was pointing across all the guests around the table then she pointed at me and a friend sitting next to me. I quickly turn to my friend and interpreted what I understood doing the same body language. That moment, the Russian speaker asked surprisingly: Do you speak Russian?
I answered with a laugh: No!
She asked: what did you say to her then?
So I explained that I did not need to speak Russian because I read the body language with the context and I assumed what she was saying that everyone speaks Russian except my friend and I! (We laughed).

Imaginary situation:

My point of this story is to listen carefully to people who speak the language with action and try to imitate. If you ask to borrow my pen, I might give it to you with a smile saying in Arabic: khodh or tafaDal or na am. You might ask what I said or you might just make a guess and respond: by saying in Arabic: Shokran. (Although you do not know that much of Arabic)

So, listen, observe, then test/ask/note/memorise/practice and to sum up: USE.
And of course, you might not get it right always from the first time but we all learn from our akhTaa anyway!

This resource was uploaded by: Ameen