Tutor HuntResources English Resources

How To Study English Literature

Date : 21/02/2016

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Uploaded by : Victoria
Uploaded on : 21/02/2016
Subject : English

A common problem with students at all levels, is confusion about how to revise for an English Literature exam, or how to revise for an essay. There is sometimes a conception that the subject is subjective, and therefore hard to evaluate. How do we define a `good` essay, and how can we improve our writing?

English Literature does not follow the same methodology as science, in that it does not - on the whole - seek out data that aims to prove the empirical truth of a thesis, but there are similarities between the disciplines. Whilst science aims to demonstrate the validity of truth claims, English explores the methodologies and processes that underly them. This means that, for the student, the primary method of studying Literature is writing in itself - learning the most logical and methodical ways of presenting an argument and grasping the analytical skills that will help you to do this.

How does one grasp these skills? Organisation of material and a writing schedule will help. Both Exam preparation and coursework require the ability to organise and categorise information to build up a knowledge base which can be formed into an argument. The simple rule of presenting a claim, backing it up with evidence, and then analysing the claim to enhance it or refute it: these are the fundamental building blocks of good essay writing. At all levels of writing, essays are marked on their ability to guide the reader through a methodology that follows those rules.

This resource was uploaded by: Victoria