Tutor HuntResources English Resources

Present Participle And Past Participle

Here is to distinguish them by Syntactic Comparison

Date : 01/01/2016

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Uploaded by : Mustafa
Uploaded on : 01/01/2016
Subject : English

What is the difference between past participle and the present participle!? Most of the people who speak the English as second tongue overlap between the two!!

Here is a brief explanation!

First What is present participle? It is bare form of a verb added -ing. What the function that a present participle may have?

In case the present participle was found in the beginning of the sentence, the function is subject

In case the present participle was following an adjective, the function is adjective.

In case the present participle was following the copula then the function is to form the present continuous.

What is past participle? The form is a bare form of a verb added __ed, as there are irregular forms 3rd conjugation of irregular verbs.

What is the functions of the participle. The function of the past participle is determined according to his place allocated in the sentence.

If the past participle follows a noun, it is an adverb. Example the lesson explained yesterday was easy.

If the past participle proceeds the noun, the past participle is an adjective.

It is a broken window.

If the past participle is found in a sentence, and this sentence has the " by phrase, the function here is to form the passive form of the verb.

This resource was uploaded by: Mustafa