Tutor HuntResources English Resources

Unlocking Your Child`s Potential In English


Date : 27/07/2015

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Uploaded by : Pam
Uploaded on : 27/07/2015
Subject : English

Parents often ask for help with reluctant learners. Their child is invariably a son of between 11 and 16 years, who struggles to do well in English. Parents often complain he doesn`t read enough. Thence many children have become my challenge to inspire, motivate and, of course, help improve in their desire to eventually reach high examination grades. Few higher education institutions accept students without A*/B GCSE in an English subject. But how is this to be achieved? The English GCSE syllabi content have become completely examination oriented. The `reading and understanding` exam paper is difficult for most students. You can help your child by using interesting vocabulary from their very early childhood. You are quite right in condemning computer games as having limited educational value, but in actual fact children do pick up words and ideas from them. Just limit the time they spend on games. Similarly TV has a good deal of benefit if children are encouraged to watch, for example,documentaries. From the point of view of improving English, it is likely that lively debates on topical issues help the most. Most of the reading tasks in the English exam focus on issues. For example: poverty, the value of media, green issues and diet - to choose just a few. Travel journalism is another exam favourite. Finding methods of unlocking your child`s joy in English is the most important key. Finding the suitable tutor to achieve this is consequent.

This resource was uploaded by: Pam