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-the Getulio Vargas Speech

This study will now focus the Getulio Vargas Speech itself

Date : 13/11/2014

Author Information

Ana Paula

Uploaded by : Ana Paula
Uploaded on : 13/11/2014
Subject : History

This study will now focus the Getulio Vargas Speech itself. This will then be followed by a discussion of the issue of anti communism and anti liberalism, aiming to standardize them by understanding their construction and internal logic. Vargas took on the Brazilian State in 1930, engendered by a political force, the so-called Revolution of 30, of which he was the main leader. From that date until the year 1934, he ruled as head of the Provisional Government, during which period he formally became President following the approval of a new constitution. This was accomplished largely due to internal pressures that are evident through the Constitutionalist Revolution of 1932 in Sao Paulo. This period became known as the Constitutional Government. Its mandate was to end in 1938, but was extended until 1945 due to the coup of 1937, which established the Estado Novo. It was at this point that Vargas clearly initiated a strong dictatorial, Corporatist State. The perception of these different times in the Vargas government elucidates a means of monitoring the construction, transformation and discursive usages developed by him over the fifteen years as head of state. This period is extremely important, especially in the context of this study, as the different moments of his government are directly related to the construction of the discourses under discussion here that is the anti-liberal and anti-Communist themes. We see therefore that in the course of the analysis undertaken here, the speech of Vargas was constructed and rearticulated throughout this period, in which some ideas were abandoned and others were fully incorporated. Finally, the last addendum to be addressed prior to a detailed examination of the discourse analysis itself will direct this study necessarily refers to the speech of Getulio Vargas. The first thing worthy of note within this discourse concerns the interpretation of national problems, which are listed in the political thought of the 1920s and 1930s. Vargas`s speech is no exception to this pattern. Firstly, various texts are alluded to in order to highlight role of intellectuals in the assessment of these problems, because it emphasizes the need for participation on the side of the rulers. Looking at the recent past, Vargas talks of a "backwater at the end of the nineteenth century and forgotten past that caused the advent of the Republic. Politicians and administrators were on one side and the intellectuals, occupying the opposite banks of the stream social life." We realize that in the case of this discourse, there is an allegation of separation between intellectuals and rulers. This fact appears as a constant within the Brazilian administration of the Republican period preceding the Revolution of 1930. Therefore, Vargas emphasizes the role of intellectuals in the search for solutions to national problems. Referring to the way in which these problems should be examined, Vargas says that "the time of renewal and reconstruction across the country must be seen within the Brazilian reality, referring to our traditions and experience of previous errors, considered as lessons for the future." Therefore, this speech points to the fact that it is necessary to examine Brazil within the context of its own realities, in case the proposals or solutions to these problems escape the lure of pure doctrinaire, the influences or the ideals of the new loan and dangerous. Thus, national problems require accurate examination, with a need to ensure that potential solutions are considered and put into effect with diligence. However, revitalising this position, he also points out that "such an attitude does not imply we stay inert, comfortably apathetic and indifferent to the achievements of contemporary political thought, dreaming, mental laziness, the automatic return to the past." A study of such discourse exposes the need to address the problems facing the national Brazilian reality; however, this discourse does not deny the possible contribution of ideas from outside the country, but rather emphasizes that one should take special care towards such issues.

This resource was uploaded by: Ana Paula

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