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What is the process of protein synthesis?
4 years ago

Biology Question asked by Farah

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Protein synthesis is the process of manufacturing proteins which consists of two processes - transcri ption and translation. Transcri ption is a process where DNA is transcribed, and an mRNA (messenger RNA) molecule is produced. Whereas the process of translation involves the mRNA being translated, producing an amino acid sequence.
Answered by [Deleted Member]
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A great A level response would include:

- DNA is too large to leave the nucleus since it is double-stranded, so it is copied into single-stranded RNA
- this happens in the process of TRANscri ptION, where the enzyme RNA polymerase is used to create a long mRNA molecule out of our cellular DNA
- RNA leaves the nucleus through the nuclear pores
- in RNA, every three bases code for an amino acid through mRNA
- the process of making a amino acid sequence out of the mRNA to create a protein is called TRANSLATION
- the amino acids are joined to each other by peptide bonds on the surface of the ribosomes
- there is an anticodon to every codon (3 letter code) of mRNA which is opposite to it
- these anticodon carrier molecules are attatched to specific amino acids, and they join to the mRNA codon molecules (as opposites attract)
- the sequence of amino acids is made
- this is the primary structure of a protein
- they detach from the ribosome
- tertiary and quaternary structures are made by having the protein fold and be modified by the Golgi apparatus
- the golgi can add sugar groups to proteins, making glycosylated proteins with a sugar prosthetic group
- ready proteins are used by the cell
- proteins are packed into vesicles and released from the cell by exocytosis
Answered by [Deleted Member]
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