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Is there a set method to teaching Spanish..?
7 years ago

Spanish Question asked by Steve

Well there are different approaches, all of them are equally valid. You just need to find, with the help of a tutor, which one suits better with you and your learning skills. Not everyone learns the same way, some people need to experience the activity, other are more analytic and have a passion for grammar... It depends not only that but also your goals: do you want to write it or just speak? Do you want to reach and advanced level and being able to express in a formal way? It all depends on the learner. I would say, in my case I found more effective a communicative approach with task based learning, this is a way to teach people how to do things in a different language, from everyday actions to engaging on a conversation. I hope my answer will help you. Cheers.
03/07/2016 09:19:06 | comment by [Deleted Member]
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11 Answers

I love teaching, not sure if a tutor can have a method as everyone is different and as a one to one tutor I believe that the tutor has to find the best possible method that will work for that individual person!
Answered by [Deleted Member]
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Throughout my three years teaching full time, I have come to realise that there is definitely not a "one-size-fits-all" approach to teaching.
I think there are some non-negotiables in the basics that need to be learnt in terms of vocabulary and grammar, but I tailor each lesson individually to my students according to their learning style, interests and requirements. I also tailor lessons for SpLDs (Specific Learning Differences) such as dyslexia.
Answered by Susie | 7 years ago
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Hi Steve, I would say that there is no set method to learning a language because it depends on the learning style of the individual. However, having said that of course there is a route to learning a language that bridges four dimensions which are reading, writing, listening and speaking. Each of those requires a period of study starting with basic vocabulary, verbs and grammar. For some people they concentrate on only 1 or 2 of these areas and as such find it very difficult to construct full and proper sentences either written or spoken. In summary my advice would be to arm yourself with as much vocabulary as you can along with they key verbs and try to make as many combinations of sentences as you can. Practise all of these things with a good tutor who will guide you through the process. Good luck!
Answered by [Deleted Member]
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Spanish, being a language, cannot be taught in a completely structured way. However, it is possible to teach students the basic foundations of spanish through means of wrote learning. This includes grammar, vocabulary etc. To become an advanced linguist, you must then practise vocally and through means of writing. Having conversations in spanish with your tutor, doing spanish comprehensions or even watching films in spanish with subtitles will all help you in becoming an advanced linguist!

Hope that helps
Answered by [Deleted Member]
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I agree with all of the above, but would also say that taking time to read in the language is one of the most effective methods of learning and can be done on your own. I would also highly recommend the Michel Thomas method of language learning for building up a basic knowledge of the structure of the language.
Answered by [Deleted Member]
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There isn`t really a set method. You have your basic verbs and vocabulary which are essential to learn. However it all depends on the student and yourself. Everyone learns differently, for example I prefer to write everything down numerous times to help remember it, wheras as other people prefer to be more practical. I do believe that the most important aspect is grammar, without it you wouldn`t be able to structure sentences no matter how much vocabulary you know.
Answered by [Deleted Member]
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No not at all. Some schools follow a scheme, which goes through the various topics individually. I tend to teach vocabulary and set phrases in KS1 and move on to looking at grammar and more complex language skills in KS2.
Answered by [Deleted Member]
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No set method, though best practice has certainly evolved from language learning techniques ten or twenty years ago
Answered by [Deleted Member]
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As far as I know, there is not a unique or genuine method/approach that can be equally applicable to all the students since each student must be conceived as a different world. Overgeneralization when teaching languages or any other discipline does not apply since those who tend to think that a particular method will have the same effectiveness with one or other student are the ones who end up by bumping into the mistake of not being able to open their mind.
Answered by [Deleted Member]
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I think there is no a set method to teach Spanish. Every student is different and everyone learns in a different way, so the teacher should adapt to the needs or demands of the students.

Even so, I think that is very important for the students to learn the verbs, because they are the main word of the sentences and they are the key of the communication.
Answered by [Deleted Member]
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Listening. Reading. Learning the grammar. Speaking. In the order that is better for you.
Answered by [Deleted Member]
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