Tutor HuntResources Javascript Resources

Using Javascript To Build High-performance Network Programs

Java Script

Date : 15/04/2014

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Uploaded by : Mohit
Uploaded on : 15/04/2014
Subject : Javascript

Node.js - also called Node - is a serverside Javascri pt environment (see http:// nodejs.org). It's based on Google's runtime implementation - the aptly named "V8" engine. V8 and Node are mostly implemented in C and C++, focusing on performance and low memory consumption. But, whereas V8 supports mainly Javascri pt in the browser (most notably, Google Chrome), Node aims to support long-running server processes. Unlike in most other modern environments, a Node process doesn't rely on multithreading to support concurrent execution of business logic; it's based on an asynchronous I/O eventing model. Think of the Node server process as a single-threaded daemon that embeds the Javascri pt engine to support customization. This is different from most eventing systems for other programming languages, which come in the form of libraries: Node supports the eventing model at the language level. Javascri pt is an excellent fit for this approach because it supports event callbacks. For example, when a browser completely loads a document, a user clicks a button, or an Ajax request is fulfilled, an event triggers a callback. Javascri pt's functional nature makes it extremely easy to create anonymous function objects that you can register as event handlers. Multithreading versus Events Application developers who deal with multiple I/O sources, such as networked servers handling multiple client connections, have long employed multithreaded programming techniques. Such techniques became popular because they let developers divide their applications into concurrent cooperating activities. This promised to not only make program logic easier to understand, implement, and maintain but also enable faster, more efficient execution. For applications such as Web servers performing significant amounts of I/O, multiple threads enable applications to better use available processors. Running multiple concurrent threads on a modern multicore system is straightforward, with each core simultaneously executing a different thread with true parallelism. On single-core systems, the single processor executes one thread, switches to another and executes it, and so on. For example, the processor switches its execution context to another thread when the current thread performs an I/O operation, such as writing to a TCP socket. The switch occurs because completing that operation can take many processor cycles. Rather than wasting cycles waiting for the socket operation to finish, the processor sets the I/O operation in motion and executes another thread, thus keeping itself busy doing useful work. When the I/O operation ends, the processor again considers the original thread to be ready to execute because it's no longer blocked while waiting for I/O. Even though many developers have successfully used multithreading in production applications, most agree that multithreaded programming is anything but easy. It's fraught with problems that can be difficult to isolate and correct, such as deadlock and failure to protect resources shared among threads. Developers also lose some degree of control when drawing on multithreading because the OS typically decides which thread executes and for how long. Event-driven programming offers a more efficient, scalable alternative that provides developers much more control over switching between application activities. In this model, the application relies on event notification facilities such as the select() and poll() Unix system calls, the Linux epoll service, and the kqueue and kevent calls available in BSD Unix variants such as OS X. Applications register interest in certain events, such as data being ready to read on a particular socket. When the event occurs, the notification system notifies the application so that it can handle the event. Asynchronous I/O is important for event-driven programming because it prevents the application from getting blocked while waiting in an I/O operation. For example, if the application writes to a socket and fills the socket's underlying buffer, ordinarily, the socket blocks the application's writes until buffer space becomes available, thus preventing the application from doing any other useful work. But, if the socket is nonblocking, it instead returns an indication to the application that further writing isn't currently possible, thereby informing the application that it should try again later. Assuming the application has registered interest with the event notification system in that socket, it can go do something else, knowing that it will receive an event when the socket's write buffer has available space. Like multithreaded programming, event-driven programming with asynchronous I/O can be problematic. One problem is that not all interprocess-communication approaches can be tied into the event notification facilities we mentioned earlier. For example, on most OSs, for two applications to communicate through shared memory, sharedmemory segments provide no handles or file descri ptors enabling the application to register for events. For such cases, developers must resort to alternatives such as writing to a pipe or some other event-capable mechanism together with writing to shared memory. Another significant problem is the sheer complexity of writing applications in certain programming languages to deal with events and asynchronous I/O. This is because different events require different actions in different contexts. Programs typically employ callback functions to deal with events. In languages that lack anonymous functions and closures, such as C, developers must write individual functions specifically for each event and event context. Ensuring that these functions all have access to the data and context information they require when they're called to handle an event can be incredibly perplexing. Many such applications end up being little more than impenetrable, unmaintainable tangles of spaghetti code and global variables.

This resource was uploaded by: Mohit

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