Tutor HuntTest QuestionsMaths QuestionsYear 7 Maths Questions


Solving Real-life Problems Involving Units Of Measurement (Year 7 Maths)

The following test is covering 'Solving Real-life Problems Involving Units Of Measurement' for Year 7 Maths.
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Below a typical questions that will be covered in this test. You final score will be logged on your account

A garden hose fills up a 60-liter tank in 10 minutes. How many liters does it fill in 1 minute?
A recipe for a cupcake requires 150 grams of flour. If Sam wants to make 5 cupcakes, how many grams of flour is needed?
A train travels at a speed of 30 miles per hour. How far does it travel in 2.5 hours?
A recipe calls for 3/4 cups of milk. If Sarah wants to half the recipe, how much milk does she need?
A bottle contains 2 litres of juice. If each litre equals 1000 millilitres, how many millilitres of juice does the bottle contain?
To travel to school, it takes John 35 minutes. If each hour contains 60 minutes, how many hours does John take to travel to school?
A clock tells a time of 4 hours and 45 minutes. If each hour equals 60 minutes, how many minutes has the clock shown?